Japan Tohoku guide - travel related information

Introduce many attractive places and culture in Tohoku Japan

Oze National Park, home to many beautiful flowers incl. Skunk cabbage (1)


<Lookout Mt Hiuchigatake>


We visited Oze National park and introduce some of their attractiveness.

Oze is a national park spanning the four prefecture of Gunma, Fukushima, Niigata and Tochigi.

And it is a nice hiking destination where has several surrounding mountains are located in the park.



<Wood deck trail> 


The area is rich floral environment is by interaction among its marshes, mountains, lakes, reivers, forests. The sesonal changing landscapes and environment surrounding are truly captivating.



<Melted snow become small river>


Oze is popular during the bloom skunk cabbages in the late spring through early summer. And fall colors in early autumn.



<Skunk cabbage and Mt Hiuchigatake>


(Access) There are two approaches to Oze National Park, one is come from the south through Gunma Prefecture and the other is comefrom the north through Fukushima Prefecture.


From Fukushima Prefecture, Numayamatoge is most convenient trail start point for accessing Ozenuma Pond taking one-hour walk, while the Miike is most convenient trail start point for accessing Ozegahara Marshland taking two-hour walk.


There is a bus from Aizu Railway Aizukogen Oze-guchi Station operate via Miike trail start point to the Numayamatoge trail start point for 2 hours. 4 buses operate per day from May through October. 


(Last visit) May/2018